Monday, November 3, 2008

It's A Girl!

For all of you out there that have been on the edge of their seats about what my sister was is a girl! Olivia Jewell Bogle was born on October 16th. I think that she was pretty comfortable in there and not in any hurry to come out to meet anyone. Here is a photo of the little cutie at the hospital.

This past weekend I joined my parents and traveled down to KY to visit my new niece and my sister and brother-in-law. Other than a little lack of sleep, I think that they are doing great. :-)

Where oh where have we been?

So, you may have been wondering if we have completely dropped off of the face of the planet. Have no fear, we are alive and well. Deep into football season and our newest adventure called pregnancy. Yes, you read that right, pregnancy. I am currently in my 15th week and I think that I'm finally starting to "shake off" some of the sickness. I can only say "some" of the sickness because it is really touch and go sometimes. But, I admit, I wouldn't change it for anything. We consider ourselves very blessed to be expecting our little bundle of DiSandro joy and are very excited about the months and years to come.
Our good news is starting to trickle out to all corners of our world, so what better time than now for our coming out? :-) Hopefully I can keep up with future posts and let you know (on a more regular basis) how things are going and looking (for all of you curious about the growing girth of a pregnant woman's figure). We might get a new photo on here sometime in the near stay tuned.