Monday, February 22, 2010

The Move: Part I

We are finally here! In our new home! In Ohio! Where it is cold and well, er...rainy today. I have been a little incommunicado for the past couple of days but just wanted to catch you all up on the latest move the DiSandros just made which just so happened to be Ben's second move in his wee, short life. Here is the condensed version as it it all went down....and at some points spiraling down.
It all began last week on Wednesday. I was slowly packing my way through the house but hit a small snag called running out of boxes. Whoops! Well I had a good estimate of how many I would need so I went ahead and called the moving company with a final estimate. As I was taking to my agent I asked when I should be getting a call for the pick-up window since I haven't received one yet. He said anytime now. So I waited. Well, I was mentioning the conversation to my other half that night and a light bulb must have went on because he then remembered that they had called and said that the pick-up was a two-day window of Thursday/Friday. Egad! Starting a little panicky sweat...but alas the truck driver called later that night to say he would be in Greenville to pick up on Friday morning. Whew! Panicky sweat now evaporating... Thursday morning I got up, got Ben ready and was thinking about my last day in the office and what I had to do, my co-workers had planned a going-away lunch, etc. and I get a call...THE call. The one that turned day upside down. It was the driver again...he was 3 HOURS away. What?! Serious panic starting to build now... I still had B with me, I had no boxes, it was supposed to be my last day at work... I felt like I would crumble underneath the pressure. So, I started to pray and ask God to just get me through the day. I made a bunch of calls telling everyone that all bets were off and that my plans were out the window. I dropped B off early at the sitters, called work, and I then started dumpster diving for boxes....well, not really diving, just dipping my toes in a little. Hey, they were clean! Well, I hauled a bunch home and started running around the house like a madwoman packing. Liz stopped by to help for a bit, bless her heart, she had her own house to pack. And thank God Beth, didn't have plans, she kept B all day for me. I had to laugh when I picked him up....after 5 pm...she told me the boys where asking if Ben was going to live with them now. Poor kid must of thought I abandoned him there. :) The movers didn't get done until around 5 and then I ran into my office to clean it out and say goodbye to whoever was left there. I then picked up B and we drove to get my mom at the Shiloh/Scott Metra parking lot where she left her car. We drove home and then I finished cleaning the house and emptying the fridge. I packed up the car with all of the things that we might need before the truck got to Ohio and that left us with one last chore before we left: move our van to a safe spot to park until we could get new plates and drive it back out to Ohio. Some of you may recognize that sound...yes a dead battery. Super. Its 10 pm now. I was determined to at least get out of IL for the first leg of the trip. Oh course my jumper cables were on a truck to Kansas or somewhere like that so, my mom called my dad's cousin and he dropped off jumper cables. She jumped the car (I know, what a mom right?!) and drove it to the parking spot with me following her. After a brief stop for gas before heading out of town, we were well on our way. We ended up stopping in Terra Haute for the night around 1 am. Thankfully, B was very good on the road and slept most of the way.
Stay tuned for Part II...


Kristen said...

Wow, what a day! I'm so sorry, but it sounds like you pulled through great. I'm happy to hear you're all settled in Ohio. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Craziness! Funny to hear all that was going on while we are just hanging out with Ben! :)