Friday, August 13, 2010

15 Months

B had his 15 month appt. this morning. He is doing great (having a little seasonal allergy problem, but other than that great)! We are so blessed to have a happy and healthy little boy.

The Stats:
Weight: 28 lb 13 oz (93%)
Length: 33 1/4 in (95%)
HC: 19 1/4 in (90%)

He has grown 2 inches in the past 3 months!!

Some other tidbits...
B is wearing a 3T shirt, 24 months/2T pants, and size 5 shoes.
He is saying around 15 words now.
He is trying to jump, but can only do calf raises or lift one leg off of the ground. :-)
He is a great helper and puts things away and hands things to Mommy or Daddy when asked (at least when he is in the mood to do so).
He gets super excited to see Diego every morning and when he gets home from "school".
He loves to take the pots and pans out of the cabinet and place them all over the house.
He can often be found bustin' a move whenever he hears music.
He likes to go up stairs the "big boy" way.
He has finally settled into enjoying his bath time and no longer tries to stand up in the tub for the whole thing.
He is still very much the thumbsucker and is soothed by skin contact.

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