Sunday, November 22, 2009

Any babies on your list this year?

There are several babies on our Christmas gift list this year. The following are a couple of items that I whipped up last week. I saw the following baby legs on a blog somewhere (can't remember) and they were sooooo easy to do and adorable to boot. It's too bad the lettuce ruffle edge is more girl than neutral. But you don't even have to have to have a serger to do it and it only took me maybe 10-15 min tops for 3 pair. I just cut knee socks above the heel and then pulled the material tight when I sewed the cut edge with a zig-zag stitch. Soooo easy! There are other tutorials out there with you making a cuff from the foot part of the sock but this one seemed the easiest and cutest.

The giraffes were kind of a hybrid of my own design and something I saw online. I sketched out a pattern and used some fabric and ribbon I had on hand. If anyone would like to know how I did those I can let you know. They are pretty basic taggy animals. I'm working on some patterns for other animals as well.

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