Friday, November 20, 2009

Snap, Crackle, Puke

What?...That's not the saying? Today I decided to conduct a little finger foods experiment with B. Since I am borderline nervous about giving B anything that isn't fed with a spoon I am surprised I even attempted this experiment today. Anyways, I threw caution to the wind and spread about 5 or 6 rice krispy (I guess you would call them kernels?) on his high chair tray after he finished with his baby food. I figured they were smaller than the puffs and less likely to be a choking hazard. Well, he pushed them around for a while and some got stuck to the food already on his hands. I ended up holding one up for him to see if he was interested in putting it in his mouth. Of course he was. Well, it stuck to his bottom lip and he did a mini freak-out trying to swat it off. I gave him a sec to compose himself and push some more around on the tray and thought I would try again. Big mistake. I put one in his mouth and he grimaced and it looked like he didn't know what to do. Then he started gagging. By this time I could feel myself start to panic a little. I started flipping through my mental file for the time I learned the baby Heimlich years ago. Where was that?! He gagged again, and again...and then threw up all over his bib. At last he got it up. By that time, I had taken the tray off and was ready to haul him out of the chair. We then looked each other in the eye and made a pact to not try anymore solid food...ever again. I told him he could look forward to a life of pureed cheeseburgers and spaghetti. Problem solved, right? :-)


Emily said...

mothers worst fear, no joke! if only we could all getaway with sipping our meals through a straw, but what would be the fun in that? :)

Monica B said...

Why are you trying to skip steps? Have you learned nothing from O's Cheerio incident?