Monday, September 28, 2009

The Mind of a Six Year Old

Yesterday B and I met my mom and niece in Fairview. While we were running our errands I had a couple of delightful and insightful conversations with Gwen. Hopefully I can capture the moment...

Conversation #1:
While my mom was checking out at Macy's, I took Gwen to the restroom. While I was changing B, she kept walking around the stalls and looking at them. I asked her what the deal was since she had to go just minutes before. Right as I asked her, she was like "I found one!" "Found what?", I asked. A girl's restroom. I glanced around really quick thinking, oh jeez, we accidentally went into a men's room but no that wasn't the case. So I asked her what she was talking about, this was a women's room, so all of them are girls' restrooms. She was like, "No, not those", and pointed to the handicap stalls. I told her "No, that's a handicap stall." Her response was, "Well, then why is there a boy's picture on it?" I of course, explained that since we were in a women's restroom they were all girls' stalls. But maybe they should think about putting some pigtails on that guy/girl in the wheelchair.

Conversation #2:
Someone in Macy's asked Gwen what happened to her teeth that were missing, which then led us to a conversation about the tooth fairy. I asked her what she was getting these days per tooth and she told me $10. $10 people! I think that I got a quarter or fifty cents or something like that. I asked her what she thought the tooth fairy would bring B when he started having teeth fall out. Her response was, fifty-one hundred. Holy smokes! We'd better start saving...

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