Friday, October 9, 2009

I'm baaaaaack!

I'm back in business now that my computer has been fixed. But until I can get the time to download and organize some pics and posts here are some random happenings from around the DiSandro house.

1) The mystery mum that we left in front of the house (when we cleaned out the flowerbed weeds) has started to bloom and its a marooney kind of color.

2) B rolled over like 6 times tonight from his belly to his back.

3) It has been cold, rainy, and dreary here the past couple of days.

4) I'm way behind on my sewing projects for Christmas. I'm looking to capitalize on the father-son time this weekend to tackle some of that.

5) I'm a little nervous about the whole H1N1 thing and B getting it.

6) B finally "got" the jumperoo and has been jumping like crazy in it.

7) I've started watching season 1 of Prison Break.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah for rolling over!